Are you an educator?
Sex Ed To-Go has resources just for teachers to make your job easier. Explore our "Being an Effective Educator" courses and our free library of curriculum resources.
[4th&up]This course is about the importance of using correct terms for body parts, when and how puberty starts and the change most people experience during puberty and the way to take care of your body as it changes.
[4th&up]This course covers behaviors that support good friendships and relationships and ones that don’t, and ideas for being a good communicator, setting boundaries, and handling conflicts.
[8th&up] This course covers topics about sex education, school release policies and school confidentiality in California as well as medical privacy and consent laws in California.
[A partir de 4º grado] Este curso cubre temas de por qué es importante utilizar los términos correctos para referirse a las partes del cuerpo, cuándo y cómo empieza la pubertad y cómo cuidar tu cuerpo a medida que cambia.
[A partir de 4º grado] Este curso trata sobre los comportamientos que favorecen las buenas amistades y relaciones y los que no, e ideas para ser un buen comunicador, establecer límites y manejar los conflictos.