Course curriculum

    1. Course Overview

    2. Did you know?!?

    3. Course Worksheet

    4. Video: Contraception Basics

    1. Video: Abstinence

    2. Video: Barrier Methods

    3. Video: Condom Demonstration

    4. Video: Other Barrier Methods

    5. Quiz!

    6. Video: Hormonal Methods

    7. Video: Other Methods

    8. Video: Emergency Contraception

    9. Quiz!

    1. Video: How to Get Birth Control

    1. Birth Control Options Chart

    2. Quiz!

    3. Activity: Starting the Conversation

    4. Reflection: Who to talk to

    1. Feedback for us

    1. Learn More About: Pregnancy Prevention Methods

    2. Take the Next Course

    3. Looking for information on sex, relationships, your body, and more?

About this course

  • Free
  • 0.5 hours of video content