Course curriculum

    1. Course Overview

    2. Course Worksheet

    3. Video: Why communicating can be hard

    4. Reflection: A difficult or awkward conversation

    1. Video: Important Topics

    1. Video: Tips

    2. Reflection: What you do well and what you want to do more of

    3. Activity: Communicating Boundaries with “I” Statements

    4. Sample “I” Statements

    5. 10 Tips for Better Communication

    1. How to talk about safer sex

    2. How to tell someone you have an STI

    3. How to say no to sex (or any other type of touch)

    4. How to tell someone what you like

    1. Rate this course!

    1. Resources for someone in an abusive relationship

    2. Learn more about: Communication Skills

    3. Take the Next Course

    4. Looking for information on sex, relationships, your body, and more?

About this course

  • Free
  • 0 hours of video content